The last way a spouse can enable gambling is by becoming a direct or indirect participant in the problem. It’s not uncommon for the spouse of a gambler to develop a taste for gambling herself. When this happens, the gambler is usually quick to tap into this enthusiasm and use it in ways that compromise his wife and justify his own behavior. Psychotherapist and author Micki McWade said cheating on a spouse is often just a symptom of one of four deeper underlying issues - issues she says are the ones which ultimately end a marriage.

Signs Your Spouse Has A Gambling Problem

I hope that I can get some help or if not I desperately need to be able to
talk about how after being married for over 20 years that
now there is a third 'person'( gambling ) and it is tearing me apart.

Each time I have tried to talk to my husband about his gambling, he has
turned on me with such anger and resentment.

What To Do When Your Partner Has A Gambling Problem

He said the reason he gambles is that it relaxes him.


And he adamantly said he does not want me to question him on this again.
Meanwhile, we owe money to the I.R.S and are facing our lease to end on
our current home, and really need to save money so that we can afford to
move in three months.

I just feel lost....

When Your Partner Has A Gambling Problem